Scenarios and Warning Signs for Ajeya's Aggressive, Conservative, and Best Guess AI Timelines
A summary and rephrasal of three plausible scenarios for AI timelines. Most of this post is unoriginal. Cross-posted to LessWrong, and may contain more jargon than usual.
My experience in a covid vaccine trial, and why you should join one
Covid is probably going to get much worse before it gets better. How do we protect ourselves and those around us? I propose a novel approach.
What needs to work for your Zoom call to work?
It's amazing how tall the tower of computer abstraction is. Let's explore a few of those layers here.
Using a Yubikey as a touchless, magic unlock key for Linux
Yubikeys are great for security, but their benefits decrease somewhat when you leave them in your computer unattended. I also have login passwords that are way too long. How to solve these problems? Use a Yubikey to unlock your computer!
How does "Send all to voicemail" actually work, anyway?
A look into call forwarding and MMI codes. On my cell provider, you can make calls automatically go to voicemail by dialing a single phone number. But how does this all work, anyway?