First Look at TeaVM: Java on the Browser?
A young upstart named TeaVM attempts to challenge bloated JavaScript web frameworks. Can it succeed?
Tracking Down a Fifteen-Hour Email Delay from Outlook & Office 365
TL;DR: Don't put your mail server behind a CNAME.
Building Tensorflow + AMD Radeon Open Compute for Ivy Bridge: The Rabbit Hole of CPU Flags and PCIe Features
The story of Issue #217 – getting Tensorflow for AMD GPUs to work on an aging Ivy Bridge processor.
A Tale of Two Servers
Two servers, one IP address. Featuring SNI proxies, SSH, and everyone's favorite service to self-host: mail!
The Death Throes of a Seagate SMR Hard Drive
It's never a good sign when ZFS starts giving you **uncorrectable I/O failure** errors.