How does "Send all to voicemail" actually work, anyway?
A look into call forwarding and MMI codes. On my cell provider, you can make calls automatically go to voicemail by dialing a single phone number. But how does this all work, anyway?
Peeking at user agents for fun and profit
Don't ignore webserver logs! Even a cursory glance can reveal some really interesting things about the internet.
Tailscale is Pretty Cool
An automatic mesh network that uses WireGuard under the hood. Why it's good, and what I use it for.
Why Have Exposure Notifications Failed?
Exposure notifications, or contact tracing apps, have failed. It’s been months since I wrote my previous post on contact tracing, and yet here’s what I see when I try to download an app.
We Need to Embrace Exposure Notifications
Google and Apple's exposure notification technology privacy-preserving, safe, and necessary. We need to embrace it.